Cold liquid waterproofing systems provide lasting surfacing and protection and reliability to roofs, walkways, balconies, terraces, car parks and much more. Our systems provide significant benefits over competing systems including ease of application, speed of installation, cost-effectiveness and their flame-free application process.
While you may not have heard of them, we have been manufacturing cold liquid applied membranes for over 40 years. However, liquid plastics are still considered a relatively new technology within the construction industry when compared to traditional hot melt and sheet applied materials.
If you are looking for a waterproofing, surfacing or protection system that can be applied at any time of the year, can cure in as little as 30 minutes and has proven long term durability, then take a look at our wide range of solutions. Whether your project is a newbuild or refurbishment, a roof overlay, a trafficked balcony, walkway or terrace, or a car park requiring maximum protection. Our solutions are designed to protect and repair the built environment.
System finder
We are the leading European specialist in the manufacture of cold liquid applied waterproofing, surfacing, protection, marking and repair systems.
Our wide ranging systems are ideal for a variety of applications across multiple sectors. With over 25 systems, multiple finish options, standard colours, bespoke colours and different textures available, our system finder is here to help you make the right choice, first time, every time.